Friday, June 12, 2015

Focus Friday: Let's Focus on Goals

I set a couple of goals for myself in the last month or so, and I'm happy to report that I achieved them. I finished one project tonight, but I found myself thinking about that goal quite a few times today and I had a strange feeling about it.

I felt excited because I knew I was going to achieve my goal before the day was over, but I felt like the Holy Spirit was pointing something out to me even as I looked forward to my success. It seemed like He was telling me to make sure I wasn't making that achievement too important. 

I had this feeling that if something had happened to keep me from reaching the goal I had set for myself, I would have gotten extremely frustrated and my day would have been "ruined." God pointed out to me, gently, that His plans are more important than mine.

It's fine for us to set goals and make plans, but we must always be willing to let those goals and plans change if God shows us a different way, a better way. Truth be told, His way may not seem better until we get quite a bit farther down the road of life, but hindsight usually shows us that what we feared or struggled with was actually for our good.

"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but the LORD's purpose prevails." (Proverbs 19:21 NIV) 

Do you like to set goals and make lots of plans? How can focusing on God and His plans help you to keep things in perspective as you work toward achieving your goals?

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