Friday, September 7, 2018

Focus Friday: Let's Focus on our Goofy Goofy Brains

It's going to be close to midnight when I post this week's blog.

It didn't have to be. I could have gotten it done this afternoon or earlier this evening. It's all my sister-in-law's fault.

Last week Cheryl commented that I seemed to be getting my blog done earlier in the day since we had moved to Platte.

It was true. I've still had a few "Super Saturdays," but recently I had been finding time to write and post well before my usual late hours.

So what happened today? I guess I can't really blame it on Cheryl. It's my goofy goofy brain!

For some reason, even though I didn't give it too much thought last week, my brain remembered that comment today and I could actually feel the strong resistance to writing my blog earlier.

I'm not even sure exactly what my goofy brain was doing. Most of it was subconscious earlier in the day, but as it got later I actually had thoughts like these:

I don't really feel like writing my blog tonight.
I can wait until tomorrow, nobody will mind.
I'm not sure what to write about, so waiting will be better.

I filled my day with stuff that was worthwhile in my free time, but it certainly wasn't necessary. It was nothing getting me any closer to my goals of writing more and growing in my faith.

My goofy goofy brain has been bugging me in other ways, too, like when I set the alarm for six. When the alarm goes off my brain tells me all sorts of lies about why I should just stay in bed a little longer, even though I have a goal of exercising early and getting a good start on my day.

Sometimes my goofy brain suggests that I grab a handful of M&Ms or eat a bowl of ice cream when I'm not hungry, even though I've set a goal of losing some extra pounds in the weeks ahead.

Our goofy brains are amazing. So much goes on in our heads. Our bodies wouldn't function without everything happening just right in our brains. 

But we have to realize that our brains will sometimes lie to us. If we have gotten into certain bad habits or routines, our brains will try to keep us doing those same things over and over. They will protest if we attempt to do something new. Our goofy brains want to take the easy way.

"For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want." (Galatians 5:17 NIV)

The Holy Spirit can help us when our goofy goofy brains want to take us down a road that caters to our flesh. With some thought and prayer we can act in ways that are better for us than the things our goofy brains tell us.

So...take that, goofy brain! I'll do something else instead of grabbing that snack if I'm not hungry.

Wake up, goofy brain! I'm getting out of bed even though you're telling me I don't have to.

Well, what do you know, goofy brain! I just wrote my blog post even though you told me to wait until tomorrow.

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -- his good, pleasing and perfect will." (Romans 12:2 NIV)

Does your goofy brain ever lie to you and keep you from accomplishing your goals? How can focusing on God help you to ignore the lies and do what's right instead? 

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