Friday, December 28, 2018

Focus Friday: Let's Focus on Recommitment

We're at the end of another year.

It's time to look back at what we've done in the past year and look ahead at what we want to accomplish in the year ahead.

It's exciting...and scary.

It's exciting because we think about all of the possibilities for what we may be able to do next year. The sky's the limit, right?

It's scary because we know that we've felt that way in years past and our dreams or goals didn't turn out the way we hoped. Soon after the new year we got tired of the hard work or the uncertainty and we dropped back into status quo, the known, the comfortable.

I just want to encourage you as you think about the year ahead. Make big goals. Dream of doing something amazing and then write down some plans for how you're going to get there.

When something happens that throws you off course, don't despair and give up on whatever it is. Take a good look at what went wrong and then recommit.

A while back I told you about changing one little thing and how it helped me get out of bed when the alarm went off. Well, the last couple of mornings I somehow managed to s-t-r-e-t-c-h over and shut the alarm off without rolling out of bed. I slept a little more, but then I stayed in bed way too long, just chasing thoughts around in my head about things I dreaded doing, problems I wanted fixed, and the sadness of friends who had lost loved ones recently.

Lying there did nothing to help myself or anyone else. It just wasted a couple of hours in the day when I could have been getting something done, making plans to fix a problem, or reaching out to grieving friends.

I cannot give up on getting out of bed at a decent time. Instead, I need to recommit. I need to remember why I want to get up and get a good start on my day, and then I need to do it. I need to recommit.

Let's all plan to do that as we go into 2019.

When we start off strong and then falter. Recommit.

When we get discouraged because we're not reaching our goals fast enough. Recommit.

When we are tempted to ignore God and everything that will strengthen our relationship with Him. Recommit.

We don't have to wait until next January 1 if we get off track with our dreams and goals. We can choose recommitment the moment we realize we're wavering. It might have to happen weekly, or daily, or even hourly, but making that decision to recommit will make all the difference as we move forward.

Happy New Year, everyone!

"Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun." (Psalm 37:5-6 NIV)

Do you get discouraged when you see yourself failing at times? How can focusing on God help you to recommit and move ahead?  

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