Friday, December 16, 2016

Focus Friday: Let's Focus on...Something!

It's December 16 and our Christmas tree looks like this:

I finally got it set up on Monday and put lights on it on Tuesday. The plan was for the three kids at home to put the decorations on this week, but they all seem to be finding other things they'd rather do. Maybe we'll all decorate the tree on Christmas Eve (didn't they do stuff like that in the Little House books?).

Truth is, I've been having a little trouble focusing now that we're back from our trip last week. 

My knees are still bothering me and I'm wondering if I did more damage than I thought on our hiking adventure. Time will tell.

I wanted to share a nice post full of pictures and wisdom from our experience at the Grand Canyon, but I didn't work on it and it's getting a little late now. (Maybe next week!)

I've been piddling away the week...I did the dishes and some laundry, I helped at the daycare a couple of times, and I sorted through some paperwork in one of my desk drawers. Those were the productive times! Much of the rest of the week was spent watching lots of Fuller House episodes (I'm caught up now so I can move on to something else) and snacking way too much.

Maybe I can blame the weather. It has been so, so, so cold here.

Maybe I can cut myself some slack and just acknowledge that it's been one of those weeks where I needed some rest and diversion. What a concept! Showing myself grace instead of wallowing in the shame and guilt of not doing enough, not being enough, not accomplishing enough.

It's never too late to start over, figure out where our focus needs to be, and move in that direction. Perhaps that means digging into a project you've been putting off for way too long, or maybe it means giving yourself permission to relax and watch one of your favorite shows or a good movie.

When you feel distracted and unfocused, that's the time to stop and focus on...something!

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13 NIV)

Do you ever have times where you feel restless and unfocused? How can focusing on God help you to feel peace as you either work hard or decide to enjoy some rest? 

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