Saturday, September 13, 2014

Focus Friday: Let's Focus on Getting Away

Have you ever had a rough week? A week full of ups and downs that leave you disoriented and shaky? I did, but I finally asked for some help and ended the week on an upswing. I got home from school today and suggested to Gary that we go see a movie. We ended up going to McDonald's, getting some stuffed animals at Goodwill (for my Spanish class), seeing a movie, and running a couple of other errands. It was great. It was a chance to reconnect after a busy week and just enjoy some time together.

The lesson plans, etc. will be waiting for me tomorrow morning, but tonight I was able to put work out of my mind and enjoy something else. That's good for me. I need to learn how to do that more effectively. Seems like so often I don't really enjoy doing something because the next obligation or task is niggling at the back of my mind. I think that's one thing God is going to teach me in the months and years ahead. Do your work well, but when you take a break and get away from it for a while, do that well, too. We can't drag every worry or doubt with us through every experience of every day. Thinking like that wears you down and eventually makes you sick - body, mind, and soul.

That's where my focus is today. Let's all keep praying for each other as we seek to keep our focus on God through all of the obligations, challenges, and joys of life.

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matthew 11:28-30 The Message)

Are you good at really getting away and relaxing after a busy week? Take some time to practice those "unforced rhythms of grace" this weekend. Keep your focus on God in all aspects of life.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Focus Friday: Let's Focus on Faith

It's Friday again...and here I am. Another week has gone by and my emotions have been up and down. I love so much about teaching, but I have to admit that it's been very stressful at times. It's hard getting used to new things, new routines, new tasks. The computer is still giving me fits as I try to figure out how to give assignments, get assignments, give and grade quizzes. Hopefully the students will continue to be patient with me as I figure it out.

This week I received the CD by Jenny Simmons (lead singer of Addison Road) in the mail and I listened to it on the way to school, and I've been listening to it every day since then. It has so many good songs that seem to be hitting me right where I'm at. I think I'll leave you this week with the lyrics to one of my favorites and see if it might resonate with some of you, too. (You can also go to and listen to it there.)

Let's keep praying for each other as we go through the joys and challenges of life. Let's keep our focus on God and the strength that He gives each of us. Let's never forget that God has great plans for us. It just takes courage to step into those plans and become who God has made us to be. That's what faith's about.

What Faith's About by Jenny Simmons

What if I what I have is not enough and all I hold You ask me to give up?
What if you require bravery but I'm clinging to the edge too scared to leave?

But what if I jump and I find I was always made to fly?
What if the days I'm walking into are the best of my whole life?
What if the things that I dreamed become my reality?
When it looks impossible but still works out
What if that's what faith's about?

What if that's what faith's about?

What if I'm not sure I heard You right and I found a thousand reasons not to try?
And what if I can't face the great unknown but there's no way back and nowhere left to go?

But what if I jump and I find I was always made to fly?
What if the days I'm walking into are the best of my whole life?
What if the things that I dreamed become my reality?
When it looks impossible but still works out
What if that's what faith's about?

So who am I not to be, not to be everything that You have called me?
And who am I not to speak, not to speak to every mountain that's before me?

But what if I try even when I'm scared and Your courage meets me there?
What if I hope against all hope and believe in every prayer

What if I jump and I find I was always made to fly?
What if the days I'm walking into are the best of my whole life?
What if the things that I dream become my reality?
When it looks impossible, but still works out
Oh, when it looks impossible, but still works out
What if that's what faith's about?

Do you have new challenges in life right now? Are you keeping your focus where it should be - on God - or are you focused too much on what you can or can't do? How can you make a conscious choice to get that focus back where it needs to be?